“The world is changing rapidly… can the education system keep the pace?” (The guardian: education).
A question that seems to be asked more often everyday. With the introduction of the National Curriculum, finally it seemed that the UK’s education system was back on track, heading for a consistent and fair level of teaching throughout Britain. Yet, there are many negative feelings about the stringent approach a teacher must take in order to fulfil these new set goals.
How does the National Curriculum work?
From the age of five a child is planted into education, where they are taught how to read, write and use simple mathematics. Beginning with key stage one, following with key stage two where they are assessed already at the age of six and continuing with this examination pattern until they reach the ripe age of 15 where they have the choice of furthering their education… but then after that, who would really want to?
It is hard to believe that the level of examination we are giving the children of today is “consistent and balanced” (Board of National Curriculum) Logically, a child will act below average within stressful situations, such as exams like SAT’s or GCSE’s, yet still they are bombarded with tests and assessments.
What can be done?
It seems to be that there is an element of passion missing from our education system, something for kids to really get inspired by. As far as National standards go, you cannot deny that our level of teaching is incredible, even if it is a little stretched. However, when you speak with teachers you hear the same worry – that children are being moulded for exams. The examination system is a game that you have to play. The depth of learning is being lost. We need to begin injecting life and passion back into the classroom and changing the cold, clinical ways of the set National Curriculum Standard.